Pause and remember - It is ...

Pause and remember - It is never too late to begin again, to forgive someone, to have a dream, to meet someone or to love yourself. It is never too late!
 Jennifer Young

Quotes from the same author

Pause and remember - Change will happen the moment you have the courage to change.
 Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Nothing lasts forever. Better days are coming, but they will come faster with faith.
 Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Everyone gets discouraged and feels lost at times. Don't worry - life will get better. A new way is being made for you. Keep moving forward even if it's just baby steps.
 Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Stop procrastinating! Wishing is wonderful but action is what it takes to make it happen.
 Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - The only person you need to believe in you is - you!
 Jennifer Young