Top Patriotic Quotes to Inspire Love for Country - page 76

The hardest lesson of my life has come to me late. It is that a nation can win freedom without its people becoming free.
The hardest lesson of my life has come to me late. It is that a nation can win freedom without its people becoming free.
 Joshua Nkomo
A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom.
 Roald Dahl
The global warming scare has provided a field day for politicians and others who wish to control our lives. After all, only the imagination limits the kind of laws and restrictions that can be written in the name of saving the planet.
 Walter E. Williams
This is the highest wisdom that I own; freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew.
I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.
 Harriet Tubman
A common allegiance to form of expression that is identified with no single national unit is likely to prove one of the most potent symbols of the freedom of the human spirit that the world has yet known.
 Edward Sapir
The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good, in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it.
The terrorist attacks upon our country changed the way that we live forever and provided us with a cruel reminder that freedom and liberty have a price.
 Jo Ann Davis
We can hardly escape the feeling that the unconscious process moves spiral-wise round a centre, gradually getting closer, while the characteristics of the centre grow more and more distinct.
Only that thing is free which exists by the necessities of its own nature, and is determined in its actions by itself alone.
Only that thing is free which exists by the necessities of its own nature, and is determined in its actions by itself alone.
 Baruch Spinoza
It is our duty and our privilege to keep America moving forward.
 Bill Frist
We anarchists do not want to emancipate the people; we want the people to emancipate themselves.
 Errico Malatesta
If we don't believe in free expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.
Art is what you can get away with.
 Andy Warhol
Is it Obama's nation or an abomination?
Freedom of speech implies the world isn’t defined. It is meaningful when people are allowed to see the world their way.
 Ai Weiwei
I think if you'd had television cameras at Gettysburg, this would be two nations today. People would not have put up with that carnage if they saw it up close. We'd have elected McClellan in 1864.
 George Will
So there's only transcendence in the moment. Nobody can be transcended forever. That's why I say, "Who cares if you're enlightened forever?
 Byron Katie
In a democracy dissent is an act of faith. Like medicine, the test of its value is not in its taste, but in its effects.
In a democracy dissent is an act of faith. Like medicine, the test of its value is not in its taste, but in its effects.
 J. William Fulbright
A simple line painted with the brush can lead to freedom and happiness.
 Joan Miro