Top Patriotic Quotes to Inspire Love for Country - page 42

I was motivated to join in large part because my family needed the money. I would like to say how patriotic we were, but really what motivated me was the excitement my mother would get in receiving a check for my older brother.
I was motivated to join in large part because my family needed the money. I would like to say how patriotic we were, but really what motivated me was the excitement my mother would get in receiving a check for my older brother.
 Charles Rangel
[H]owever weak our country may be, I hope we shall never sacrifice our liberties.
The Constitution is the sole source and guaranty of national freedom.
The history of any nation is not only a succession of events, but also a chain of ideas.
 Pyotr Chaadayev
Only human beings can reorder their lives any day they choose by refining their philosophy.
Freedom comes in individual packages.
 Shirley Boone
Government means always coercion and compulsion and is by necessity the opposite of liberty.
I know how to make films and now I'm able to make films with the resources and the tools that match my imagination, and what filmmaker doesn't want to do that? I feel very fortunate to have that. I don't take it for granted.
 Ava DuVernay
Small groups or communities may be far more oppressive to the individual than larger ones. Men are in many ways freer in large cities than in small villages.
 Morris Raphael Cohen
Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.
Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.
 Josh Billings
Freedon is a scary thing. Most people don't want it.
 Laurie Anderson
The freedom of poetic license.
My imagination doesn't require anything more of the book than to provide a framework within which it can wander.
 Alphonse Daudet
Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
Determination is the wake-up call to the human will.
No society can possibly be built on a denial of individual freedom.
I deeply adored my mum. She was an extraordinary person, even for the prejudice I'm likely to have. She was beautiful, amusing, a tremendous elaborator of things into comic proportions and extravagant in her imagination.
 Andrew Motion
For an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
The problem with this world is that there isn\'t enough liberty and freedom.
The problem with this world is that there isn't enough liberty and freedom.
There is no other revolution except consciousness. It cuts the desires from the very roots and it brings freedom to you.