Top Patriotic Quotes to Inspire Love for Country - page 192

The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals.
The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals.
 Rensis Likert
Silence is the mother of truth.
Democracy: In which you say what you like and do what you're told.
Means and ends are central. If your means are corroded, your ends will be corroded. And if you're fighting to preserve liberty and you use means that eviscerate our liberties, the end will be corroded, too.
 Nat Hentoff
The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.
 Felix Frankfurter
Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression, because power, real power, comes from our conviction which produces action, uncompromising action.
Our goal is not victory of might but the vindication of right - not peace at the expense of freedom, but both peace and freedom, here in this hemisphere and, we hope, around the world. God willing, that goal will be achieved.
Freedom is not won on the battlefields. The chance for freedom is won there. The final battle is won or lost in our hearts and minds.
 Helen Gahagan Douglas
The future woman must have a life work and economic independence. She must have the right of motherhood at her own discretion.
 W. E. B. Du Bois
To get where we want to go in life, we have to keep at it. We have to create a vision, make choices based on what moves us most swiftly toward our goals, and go after them with determination and single-mindedness.
To get where we want to go in life, we have to keep at it. We have to create a vision, make choices based on what moves us most swiftly toward our goals, and go after them with determination and single-mindedness.
 Stedman Graham
The degree of liberty or tyranny in any government is, it follows, in large degree a reflection of the relative determination of the subjects to be free and their willingness and ability to resist efforts to enslave them.
 Gene Sharp
As a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights.
Set me free from evil passions, and heal my heart of all inordinate affections; that being inwardly cured and thoroughly cleansed, I may be made fit to love, courageous to suffer, steady to persevere.
 Thomas a Kempis
There is a word sweeter than mother, home or heaven. That word is liberty.
 Matilda Joslyn Gage
All good things are wild and free.
In salvation we are not only saved from sin and damnation; we are saved unto holiness. The goal of redemption is holiness.
The First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is besides the point. Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to tolerate speech.
 Anthony Kennedy
The strongest principle of growth lies in the human choice.
The spirit of improvement is not always a spirit of liberty, for it may aim at forcing improvements on an unwilling people.
The spirit of improvement is not always a spirit of liberty, for it may aim at forcing improvements on an unwilling people.
Wild animals are not meant to be owned, any more than human beings are. Nobody has the right to pass a cougar or a gorilla on from hand to hand.
 Pat Derby