Top Patriotic Quotes to Inspire Love for Country - page 182

Conversation would be vastly improved by the constant use of four simple words: I do not know.
Conversation would be vastly improved by the constant use of four simple words: I do not know.
 Andre Maurois
There's a difference between us. You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it
 William Wallace
You are still young, free.. Do yourself a favor. Before it's too late, without thinking too much about it first, pack a pillow and a blanket and see as much of the world as you can. You will not regret it. One day it will be too late.
 Jhumpa Lahiri
Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can exist apart from religious principle.
Because with every action, comment, conversation, we have the choice to invite Heaven or Hell to Earth.
 Rob Bell
The orator is the mouth (os) of a nation.
 Philibert Joseph Roux
A man who is willing to accept restriction and barriers and is not afraid of them is free. A man who does nothing but fight restrictions and barriers will usually be trapped.
Freedom can be preserved only if it is treated as a supreme principle which must not be sacrificed for particular advantages.
A modern democracy is a tyranny whose borders are undefined; one discovers how far one can go only by traveling in a straight line until one is stopped.
 Norman Mailer
We can\'t impose freedom, but we can eliminate roadblocks to freedom, and to allow free societies to develop.
We can't impose freedom, but we can eliminate roadblocks to freedom, and to allow free societies to develop.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom.
 Lady Bird Johnson
You can imprison a man, but not an idea. You can exile a man, but not an idea. You can kill a man, but not an idea.
 Benazir Bhutto
The whole freedom of man consists either in spiritual or civil liberty.
If you would enjoy real freedom, you must be the slave of Philosophy.
Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.
I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.
The story of man is the history, first, of the acceptance and imposition of restraints necessary to permit communal life; and second, of the emancipation of the individual within that system of necessary restraints.
 Abe Fortas
To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.
Independence is a heady draught, and if you drink it in your youth, it can have the same effect on the brain as young wine does. It does not matter that its taste is not always appealing. It is addictive and with each drink you want more.
Independence is a heady draught, and if you drink it in your youth, it can have the same effect on the brain as young wine does. It does not matter that its taste is not always appealing. It is addictive and with each drink you want more.
I believe in limited government and the right of the individual to make choices and in a strong national defense and in freedom and liberty as being the right of every person on the face of the Earth.
 Karl Rove