Our true acquisitions lie ...

Our true acquisitions lie only in our charities - we gain only as we give.
 William Gilmore Simms

Quotes from the same author

Our cares are the mothers, not only of our charities And virtues, but of our best joys and most cheering and enduring pleasures.
 William Gilmore Simms
Tact is one of the first of mental virtues, the absence of which is frequently fatal to the best of talents. Without denying that it is a talent of itself, it will suffice if we admit that it supplies the place of many talents.
 William Gilmore Simms
No doubt solitude is wholesome, but so is abstinence after a surfeit. The true life of man is in society.
 William Gilmore Simms
The fool is willing to pay for anything but wisdom. No man buys that of which he supposes himself to have an abundance already.
 William Gilmore Simms
He who would acquire fame must not show himself afraid of censure. The dread of censure is the death of genius.
 William Gilmore Simms