Our modern industrial economy ...

Our modern industrial economy takes a mountain covered with trees, lakes, running streams and transforms it into a mountain of junk, garbage, slime pits, and debris.
Our modern industrial economy takes a mountain covered with trees, lakes, running streams and transforms it into a mountain of junk, garbage, slime pits, and debris.

Quotes from the same author

The real work of men was hunting meat. The invention of agriculture was a giant step in the wrong direction, leading to serfdom, cities, and empire. From a race of hunters, artists, warriors, and tamers of horses, we degraded ourselves to what we are now: clerks, functionaries, laborers, entertainers, processors of information.
Men love their ideas more than their lives. And the more preposterous the idea, the more eager they are to die for it. And to kill for it.
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
A mother's sorrow is more true, honorable, and beautiful than the detachment of the sage.
Motherhood is an essential, difficult, and full-time job. Women who do not wish to be mothers should not have babies.