Once you find you can't walk ...

Once you find you can't walk as far and as fast as you were able, life becomes more complicated.
 Robert Sheckley

Quotes from the same author

I was never able to write seriously about heroes because I was very aware that I was not one and that in my background there was not this heroic thing.
 Robert Sheckley
So I wrote what I hoped would be science fiction, I was not at all sure if what I wrote would be acceptable even. But I don't say that I consciously wrote with humour. Humour is a part of you that comes out.
 Robert Sheckley
I'm quite influenced in this by one of my heroes, Montaigne, who thought a man's real task was to render as honest an account of himself as he could.
 Robert Sheckley
Action isn’t my forte. I’m an expert on contemplation and mild regret.
 Robert Sheckley