Omnicompetence,' the ability ...

Omnicompetence,' the ability to obtain whatever one wants or needs, is an unattainable but continuously approachable ideal for all mankind - past, present, and future.
 Russell L. Ackoff

Quotes from the same author

Creativity is the ability to identify self-imposed constraints, remove them, and explore the consequences of their removal.
 Russell L. Ackoff
Most corporate mission statements are worthless. They consist largely of pious platitudes such as: "We will hold ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism and ethical behavior." They often formulate necessities as objectives; for example, "to achieve sufficient profit." This is like a person saying his mission is to breathe sufficiently.
 Russell L. Ackoff
It is the satisfaction we derive from 'going there' in contrast to the satisfaction derived from 'getting there.' Recreation provides 'the pause that refreshes.' It recreates creators.
 Russell L. Ackoff