Nothing else is as fulfilling ...

Nothing else is as fulfilling as playing a part in which you are able to have a significant say in the creative process all the way through. How many actors get to do that? It's extremely rare.
 Tom Hollander

Quotes from the same author

I'm not as self-destructive as Dylan Thomas, but I've certainly been around that behavior enough to have found it a release. The thing that I really enjoyed was being able to play misery.
 Tom Hollander
Obviously I'd love to have kids and all that. Luckily, as a man, there's not such an egg timer on it, but I'd like to be able to pick them up without Nurofen first.
 Tom Hollander
I prefer to be flippant about acting, just in case I'm rubbish.
 Tom Hollander
For me, faith is more about aspiration than complacency - the smug satisfaction that other people find distasteful.
 Tom Hollander
I don't think anyone could ever be wholly satisfied with their performance.
 Tom Hollander