Not to destroy but to ...

Not to destroy but to construct, I hold the unconquerable belief that science and peace will triumph over ignorance and war that nations will come together not to destroy but to construct and that the future belongs to those who accomplish most for humanity.
 Adlai E. Stevenson

Quotes from the same author

The free press is the mother of all our liberties and of our progress under liberty.
 Adlai E. Stevenson
As citizens of this democracy, you are the rulers and the ruled, the law-givers and the law-abiding, the beginning and the end.
 Adlai E. Stevenson
Someone asked it felt and I was reminded of a story that a fellow townsman of ours used to tell--Abraham Lincoln. They asked him how he felt once after an unsuccessful election. He said he felt like a little boy who had stubbed his toe in the dark. He said that he was too old to cry, but it hurt too much to laugh.
 Adlai E. Stevenson
That which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in another.
 Adlai E. Stevenson
When an American says that he loves his country, he means not only that he loves the New England hills, the prairies glistening in the sun, the wide and rising plains, the great mountains, and the sea. He means that he loves an inner air, an inner light in which freedom lives and in which a man can draw the breath of self-respect.
 Adlai E. Stevenson