Nine Inch Nails' sound is ...

Nine Inch Nails' sound is dominated by clanging synths and sardonic, shrieking vocals.
 Michael Azerrad

Quotes from the same author

Ten percent of the American population thinks that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Those are the people that have not learned the skill of filtering information from the vast barrage of inaccurate information that we're all faced with everyday. I think that's a very 21st century skill.
 Michael Azerrad
Now that the generation that grew up on '80s indie-rock has attained influential positions in the culture, that music is the new yardstick. And that will shift yet again some day.
 Michael Azerrad
I'm not sure I ever try to make a case for the music. I mean, sometimes the music isn't even that good. I just tell the band's stories; if I describe the music, it's to explain how it moved the overall story along.
 Michael Azerrad
I'll leave it to other people to evaluate the legacy of my book, but I'm very moved when musicians tell me that they've been inspired by my book.
 Michael Azerrad