n the world, those who break ...

n the world, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.
 Masashi Kishimoto

Quotes from the same author

I took the life of the woman I was supposed to call mother in the process of being born... in order to become the world's strongest shinobi... an incarnation of sand was implanted inside of me.
 Masashi Kishimoto
Listen.. to your motor-mouth mother..... Lovely Minato said
 Masashi Kishimoto
The difference between insanity and genius is measured only by success and failure.
 Masashi Kishimoto
Now there's something I understand a little better. Hate, sadness, even joy. to be able to share it with another person...Naruto Uzumaki from fighting him i learned that. he knew pain like i did and then he taught me that you can change your path. I wish that one day i can be needed by someone. Not as a frightening weapon...But as the sand's Kazekage.
 Masashi Kishimoto
Those who forgive themselves and are able to accept their real nature, they are the strong ones.
 Masashi Kishimoto