My mother, I want her to like ...

My mother, I want her to like my music, but she's not exactly my target audience. So I care more about the fans in general, just making sure they enjoy what I do.
 John Legend

Quotes from the same author

My family is very musical, I was surrounded by it. And from four years old I was the one that asked my mother could I take piano lessons.
 John Legend
My family is very musical, I was surrounded by it. And from four years old I was the one that asked my mother could I take piano lessons... It wasn't forced on me. It was something I wanted to do. And ever since, I've never stopped, I've never stopped playing music. I never went through a period where I didn't want to do it.
 John Legend
You learn so much from taking chances, whether they work out or not. Either way, you can grow from the experience and become stronger and smarter.
 John Legend
People tell me all the time that my songs help them express things to loved ones that they may not be able to say themselves.
 John Legend
You believe in equality for women and men. And that means that, not only do you believe in it kind of in the abstract but you actively think people should seek it when it comes to the way you hire people, the way you compensate people, the way you treat women and men in professional settings and school, whatever the case, giving them equal opportunities without disadvantaging them because of their, for the fact that they're women. And to me that's what it means for me to be a feminist. I don't think it's that controversial.
 John Legend