My grandmother taught me two ...

My grandmother taught me two very important lessons before she passed: hold the door for everyone and always say "thank you." That means to treat everyone the same, no matter if it is the President or a homeless mother begging for food. And never forget to thank those who have helped you, whether it is the person serving you food at a restaurant or your third-grade teacher who taught you the multiplication tables.
 Michael Skolnik

Quotes from the same author

I know our kids will be OK, as long as they listen more to their mother than to me!
 Michael Skolnik
I have been so damn lucky to be able to do what I love my entire life. I never take that for granted.
 Michael Skolnik
I am deeply inspired by the courage and achievements of young people who didn't have the safety nets I had growing up.
 Michael Skolnik
Stop the bullsh*t. Stop drawing lines in the sand like previous generations [have done].
 Michael Skolnik