Music TV in the U.K. is ...

Music TV in the U.K. is disappearing. 'Top Of The Pops,' 'CD:UK' and shows like that have gone, and it's bringing down the music industry. We should do as much as we can to keep our music TV and producers need to be more willing to accommodate live music.
 Leona Lewis

Quotes from the same author

I've had tonsilitis and I'm not sure if I can sing on Saturday [whilst out on the town in the West End]
 Leona Lewis
I do love a bit of fashion. I grew up around a lot of it as my mum and dad had clothing stores so my mum was always designing a lot, and I definitely had that as an influence.
 Leona Lewis
To win the X Factor would mean the world to me and my family. I'd buy mum and dad a house and then I think I would buy myself a car and have a little shopping trip.
 Leona Lewis
I may not be loud but that doesn't mean I'm not strong within myself. My mum and dad instilled in me to stand up for what I believe in - and I do.
 Leona Lewis
My mum is my best friend.
 Leona Lewis