Multi-taskers often think ...

Multi-taskers often think they are like gym rats, bulking up their ability to juggle tasks, when in fact they are like alcoholics, degrading their abilities through over-consumption.
 Clay Shirky

Quotes from the same author

Communications tools don't get socially interesting until they get technologically boring.
 Clay Shirky
It did not take long after the rise of the commercial printing press before someone figured out that erotic novels were a good idea. ... It took people another 150 years to even think of the scientific journal.
 Clay Shirky
Behavior is motivation filtered through opportunity.
 Clay Shirky
Time Warner has called and they want us all back on the couch, just consuming - not producing, not sharing - and we should say, 'No.'
 Clay Shirky
Collaboration is not an absolute good.
 Clay Shirky