Much of the academy on the ...

Much of the academy on the humanities side, English departments in particular, no longer write what can pass for normal English.
 Cynthia Ozick

Quotes from the same author

To want to be what one can be is purpose in life.
 Cynthia Ozick
... woman is frequently praised as the more "creative" sex. She does not need to make poems, it is argued; she has no drive to make poems, because she is privileged to make babies. A pregnancy is as fulfilling as, say, Yeats' Sailing to Byzantium.... To call a child a poem may be a pretty metaphor, but it is a slur on the labor of art.
 Cynthia Ozick
Language makes culture, and we make a rotten culture when we abuse words.
 Cynthia Ozick
Whoever mourns the dead mourns himself.
 Cynthia Ozick
An essay is a thing of the imagination. If there is information in an essay, it is by-the-by, and if there is an opinion, one need not trust it for the long run. A genuine essay rarely has an educational, polemical, or sociopolitical use; it is the movement of a free mind at play.
 Cynthia Ozick