Mrs. Robinson, you're trying ...

Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me... aren't you?
 Dustin Hoffman

Quotes from the same author

The trumpet player, Ronnie Hughes, has still got his chops today but for some strange reason the culture doesn't call him because he's 83-years-old. And these people are in their 70s and 80s and 90s and came with such verve every day and would still be shooting these 10 and 12 hour days. So, that in itself made this an extraordinarily special occasion for all of us. It wasn't a job for the crew after a few days, it took on another tone.
 Dustin Hoffman
Acting didn't solve much! If it did, I would have ended up much less crazy than I am today, but I'm not. At least for me, acting is a relief - a relief to be able to admit certain things about myself and disguise in my work, in my characters.
 Dustin Hoffman
The truth is, the older you get, the less variety of parts you are offered. If you're a star and you've spent most of your career being able to take your pick of the litter, you notice when the offers start to diminish. You're too old to play leads, so you're offered the supporting role - but many stars don't want to make that transition. They see it as a sign of symbolic impotence. And that the audience will no longer regard them as a star. I love acting, and I'm not going to determine what I do based on what I fear other people might think. I do what I want to do.
 Dustin Hoffman
I feel cheated never being able to know what it's like to get pregnant, carry a child and breast-feed.
 Dustin Hoffman
The Academy Awards are obscene, dirty . . . no better than a beauty contest.
 Dustin Hoffman