Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 85

Procrastination is a common reaction to feeling overwhelmed or fear of failure. Instead of taking on too much at once and overwhelming yourself, break things down and take one small action step at a time.
Procrastination is a common reaction to feeling overwhelmed or fear of failure. Instead of taking on too much at once and overwhelming yourself, break things down and take one small action step at a time.
 Lauren Mackler
Actions are not impostions on who we are, but are expressions of who we are. They come out of our heart and the inner realities it supervises and interacts with
 Dallas Willard
From the very first movie I ever made to the current time, there have been times between action and cut when I've sensed some kind of new dimension that I haven't been familiar with before.
 Terence Stamp
To desire is to obtain; to aspire is to achieve.
The master action, to move forward is a form of inaction; being still and quiet.
God surpasses our dreams when we reach past our personal plans and agenda to grab the hand of Christ and walk the path he chose for us.  He is obligated to keep us dissatisfied until we come to him and his plan for complete satisfaction.
 Beth Moore
Empathy is cloaked in our actions - as in, we might be experiencing empathy but not realize it's empathy.
 Leslie Jamison
The absurd is lucid reason noting its limits.
I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.
If you must have motivation, think of your paycheck on Friday.
If you must have motivation, think of your paycheck on Friday.
 Noel Coward
Christian life is not a life divided between times for action and times for contemplation. No. Real social action is a way of contemplation, and real contemplation is the core of social action.
The only worthwhile achievements of man are those which are socially useful.
 Alfred Adler
According to a British poll, you've only got a one in five chance of achieving your childhood career ambition. Which probably explains why you don't run into that many cowboys, princesses, or space rangers.
The man of reflection discovers Truth;  but the one who enjoys it and makes use of its heavenly gifts is the man of action.
 Benito Perez Galdos
I want to identify what a genuine man does—the virtues, the habits, the disciplines, the duties, the actions of true manhood—and then call men to do it.
 Stephen Mansfield
The proof that one truly believes is in action.
 Bayard Rustin
God is with you, and He'll help you make spiritual progress-strengthening and encouraging you to keep on keeping on during rough times. It's easy to quit, but it takes faith to press on to victory.
I was the vampire Lestat again. I was back in action. New Orleans was once again my hunting ground.
Man is not the creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of men. We are free agents, and man is more powerful than matter.
Man is not the creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of men. We are free agents, and man is more powerful than matter.
The only reason I went for that goal is that I wanted to say: 'Now, mummy-daddy, will you love me?'