Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 7

I don\'t have the ability to do a nine-to-five nor do I have the desire to. Stand-up is the only thing that\'s come completely naturally to me.
I don't have the ability to do a nine-to-five nor do I have the desire to. Stand-up is the only thing that's come completely naturally to me.
 Jay Mohr
No one is satisfied with his fortune, nor dissatisfied with his intellect.
 Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde Deshoulieres
We cannot be too energetic in reminding our nihilists and positivists that this is a world of action and history.
 Richard M. Weaver
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
World peace begins with inner peace.
Hey big mouth, how do you spell triple?
 Shoeless Joe Jackson
A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction.
 Rita Mae Brown
It is characteristic of the military mentality that non-human factors ... are held essential, while the human being, his desires and thoughts-in short, the psychological factors-are considered as unimportant and secondary.
Never accept the blame for what evil people do. We are all responsible for our own actions.
 Patricia Briggs
Know that every time you feel weak, you not only hurt yourself but also the cause. Infinite faith and strength are the only conditions of success.
Know that every time you feel weak, you not only hurt yourself but also the cause. Infinite faith and strength are the only conditions of success.
The key to encouragement is in knowing what gives people courage; what spurs them on to action.
My own reasons for favouring talk of natural kinds is just that I believe the best accounts of the success of scientific theories presupposes the existence of natural kinds.
 Hilary Kornblith
Not complete inaction, which is an error, a confusion, a self-delusion, an impossibility, but action full and free done without subjection to sense and passion, desireless and unattached works, are the first secret of perfection.
 Sri Aurobindo
Fear not, Cesario, take thy fortunes up. Be that thou know'st thou art and then thou art as great as that thou fear'st.
Defeat is not defeat unless accepted as a reality-in your own mind.
I hospitalized a rock, killed a brick...I'm so bad I make medicine sick!
Positive self-direction is the action plan that all winners in life use to turn imagination into reality, fantasy into fact, and dreams into actual goals.
Know or listen to those who know.
 Baltasar Gracian
The reason diets and other how-to\'s don\'t work for most people is the same reason most how-to books and courses don\'t work for most people. It isn\'t that the actions are wrong. It\'s that people don\'t keep doing them.
The reason diets and other how-to's don't work for most people is the same reason most how-to books and courses don't work for most people. It isn't that the actions are wrong. It's that people don't keep doing them.
 Jeff Olson
Do it and do it now. Err on the side of taking action
 J. Willard Marriott