Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 468

Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It\'s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it\'s a day you\'ve had everything to do and you\'ve done it.
Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's a day you've had everything to do and you've done it.
I cannot claim to thoroughly enjoy coaching, because it is very hard work if you are even moderately conscientious. Nevertheless it does provide a degree of satisfaction - not to mention a steady income, which is why I do it occasionally.
 Nigel Short
If your actions are motivated by selfish interests rather than God, you are mortgaging tomorrow's joy.
 T. B. Joshua
All virtuous women, like tortoises, carry their house on their heads, and their chappel in their heart, and their danger in their eye, and their souls in their hands, and God in all their actions.
 Jeremy Taylor
Everywhere I go, I still have time to meditate. People think meditating is sitting there, nobody bothering you, but you can even talk and still meditate
 Jet Li
I know that I cannot control anyone else's actions but my own, and how I choose to react to situations.
 Erin Willett
How much there is I want to do! I always feel that I haven't time to accomplish what I wish. I want to read much. I wanted to write a great deal. I want to make money.
 Irving Fisher
Good actions are a guard against the blows of adversity.
 Abu Bakr
The essence of boredom is to be found in the obsessive search for novelty. Satisfaction lies in mindful repetition, the discovery of endless richness in subtle variations on familiar themes.
 George Leonard
Prayer and action...can never be seen as contradictory or mutually exclusive. Prayer without action grows into powerless pietism, and action without prayer degenerates into questionable manipulation.
Prayer and action...can never be seen as contradictory or mutually exclusive. Prayer without action grows into powerless pietism, and action without prayer degenerates into questionable manipulation.
My brother is a doctor and he will take care of post-traumatic stress. I think he'll do it for free.
 Wladimir Klitschko
Persistence is self-discipline in action.
Every person professes to love good and hate evil, but in his actions his real preferences emerges.
 Piers Anthony
Individuals achieve optimal stupidity when they're given substantial powers while being insulated from the results of their actions.
 Jaron Lanier
A tomato may be a fruit, but it is a singular fruit. A savory fruit. A fruit that has ambitions far beyond the ambitions of other fruits.
 E. Lockhart
Feeling compassion for ourselves in no way releases us from responsibility for our actions. Rather, it releases us from the self-hatred that prevents us from responding to our life with clarity and balance.
 Tara Brach
The United States must also continue to push the United Nations Security Council for strong action to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions. In the meantime, it is our job to take meaningful steps to eliminate the threats posed by Iran.
 Allyson Schwartz
REPARATION, n. Satisfaction that is made for a wrong and deducted from the satisfaction felt in committing it.
The problem of life is to change worry into thinking and anxiety into creative action.
The problem of life is to change worry into thinking and anxiety into creative action.
 Harold Bridgwood Walker
There is a fatality about unkept good resolutions. They are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account.
 Sterling W Sill