Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 364

It\'s something that I am going over in my head about the whole video game thing, and whether you support violence by being in a film like this. I mean, to me, it\'s incredibly unreal and it\'s all about the action, and just explosions.
It's something that I am going over in my head about the whole video game thing, and whether you support violence by being in a film like this. I mean, to me, it's incredibly unreal and it's all about the action, and just explosions.
 Rosamund Pike
In my own family, my mother had my sister when I was 15 and for various reasons, I was extremely involved in raising her.
 Rosalind Wiseman
What power there is in our service when our actions line up with our mission, skills and joy.
 Mary Anne Radmacher
It's motivation. Some people are gifted at specific things, but I had to develop. The thing I'm most talented at is the ability to learn.
 Kanye West
A man of action forced into a state of thought is unhappy until he can get out of it.
As the gardener, by severe pruning, forces the sap of the tree into one or two vigorous limbs, so should you stop off your miscellaneous activity and concentrate your force on one or a few points.
For purposes of action nothing is more useful than narrowness of thought combined with energy of will.
 Henri Frederic Amiel
I really like doing action. It's one of those things where I negotiate the world physically, I think, more than mentally. I enjoy running and jumping.
 Channing Tatum
Make your own decision, based on your deepest intuitive wisdom and knowledge. You may make the right decision or the wrong one, but whatever happens, it is your best shot, and you will strengthen your capacity for future action.
 David Deida
When you are trapped in a nightmare, your motivation to awaken will be so much greater than that of someone caught up in a relatively pleasant dream.
When you are trapped in a nightmare, your motivation to awaken will be so much greater than that of someone caught up in a relatively pleasant dream.
Narrative is linear, but action has breadth and depth as well as height and is solid.
A leader, once convinced that a particular course of action is the right one, must....be undaunted when the going gets tough.
My experience indicates that most people who've accumulated a great deal of wealth haven't had that as their goal at all. Wealth is only a by-product, not the original motivation.
 Michael Milken
It is now abundantly clear that the Clintons set up a business to profit from public office. They sold access and specific actions by and really for I guess the making of large amounts of money.
One cannot fashion a credible deterrent out of an incredible action.
 Robert McNamara
If you worry about yesterday's failures, then today's successes will be few. The future depends on what we do in the present
Honor bespeaks worth Confidence begets trust.
 James Cash Penney
Don't get bogged down with all the details of how it's going to come together. Just do the dishes. And watch the momentum build.
 Brian J. White
All time is eternal, moving inexorably toward an end which we believe is a result of our actions, but over which our control is mere illusion.
All time is eternal, moving inexorably toward an end which we believe is a result of our actions, but over which our control is mere illusion.
Wherever you see a man who gives someone else's corruption, someone else's prejudice as a reason for not taking action himself, you see a cog in The Machine that governs us.
 John Jay Chapman