Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 29

We\'re here for such a short time. When your great-great-grandkids study history, don\'t you want them to be proud that you were part of the solution?
We're here for such a short time. When your great-great-grandkids study history, don't you want them to be proud that you were part of the solution?
 Matt Damon
Only the self-sufficient stand alone - most people follow the crowd and imitate.
Reducing the thinking required to take the next action increases the likelihood of the desired behavior occurring unconsciously.
 Nir Eyal
On the one hand, undeserved success gives no satisfaction... but, on the other hand, well-deserved failure gives no satisfaction either.
I wish it was a little easier for an actor to later go into singing and have it be accepted, but maybe I can still do it.
 Zachary Levi
Don’t consent to be hurt and you won’t be hurt – this is a choice over which you have control
Let us not forget that the reasons for human actions are usually incalculably more complex and diverse than we tend to explain them later, and are seldom clearly manifest.
The point is to do something, however small, and show you care through your actions by giving your time.
Winners take imperfect action while losers are still perfecting the plan.
I am not interested in the past. I am interested in the future, for that is where I expect to spend the rest of my life.
I am not interested in the past. I am interested in the future, for that is where I expect to spend the rest of my life.
 Charles Kettering
All the other stuff without love? Not worth a whole lot. Love starts with ourselves and needs to be approached like anything else we want to master-with a lot of diligent studying and practicing!
 Brian Johnson
So what do I wish for? Something I'm not sure I want? Someone I'm not sure I need? Or someone I know I can't have?
 Stephanie Perkins
The glow of satisfaction which follows the consciousness of doing our level best never comes to a human being from any other experience.
 Orison Swett Marden
[On disagreeing with her husband about his slave-holding:] I cannot give my conscience into the keeping of another human being or submit the actions dictated by my conscience to their will.
 Fanny Kemble
The truth is you can acquire any quality you want by acting as though you already have it.
 Joseph Murphy
It is no use trying to sum people up. One must follow hints, not exactly what is said, nor yet entirely what is done.
Before I make an action, think about the consequences. ... Any decision I make is a heavy decision.
 Gucci Mane
People live for love. They kill for love. They die for love. They have songs, poems, novels, sculptures, paintings, myths, legends. It's one of the most powerful brain systems on Earth for both great joy and great sorrow.
 Helen Fisher
The reforms proposed by the Patent Reform Act of 2007 are precisely the type of congressional action needed. The Act will remove obstacles to growth and restore balance to the patent system.
The reforms proposed by the Patent Reform Act of 2007 are precisely the type of congressional action needed. The Act will remove obstacles to growth and restore balance to the patent system.
 Viet D. Dinh
Stride forward with a firm, steady step knowing with a deep, certain inner knowing that you will reach every goal you set yourselves, that you will achieve every aim .
 Eileen Caddy