Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 218

The community of mathematicians is similar to an imaginary community of musical composers whose only satisfaction is obtained by the interchange among themselves of the musical scores they compose.
The community of mathematicians is similar to an imaginary community of musical composers whose only satisfaction is obtained by the interchange among themselves of the musical scores they compose.
 Cornelius Lanczos
When you could get angry with someone and separate yourself from them, don't do that. If you have people who are difficult to deal with, be neither attracted nor repulsed. Go a step higher.
The path to big, systemic change is collective action. That takes Sister Courage.
 Gloria Feldt
The highest cannot be spoken; it can only be acted.
When you're prepared, you're more confident. When you have a strategy, you're more comfortable.
 Fred Couples
I feel that I deserve to hear just some words to justify the actions of an organization that I have honored and promoted every day of my nearly 30-year existence in it.
 Mookie Wilson
About 20 percent of the genetic information in your nose doesn't match anything that we've ever seen before.
 Nathan Wolfe
The things, good Lord, that we pray for, give us the grace to labour for', as Sir Thomas More expressed it. The inner voice of prayer expresses itself naturally in action, just as the inner voice of my brain guides all my bodily actions.
 Philip Yancey
Do something everyday that you don't want to do.
I think the first photograph I did was a ballplayer. It was a way of showing action or something.
I think the first photograph I did was a ballplayer. It was a way of showing action or something.
 Andy Warhol
What exactly is success? For me it is to be found not in applause, but in the satisfaction of feeling that one is realizing one's ideal.
 Anna Pavlova
If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you.
Chimpanzees, more than any other living creature, have helped us to understand that there is no sharp line between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom. It's a very blurry line, and it's getting more blurry all the time.
 Jane Goodall
It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read.
In matters of science, curiosity gratified begets not indolence, but new desires.
 James Hutton
[Human beings] will begin to recover the moment we take art as seriously as physics, chemistry or money.
 Ernst Levy
At a distance from the theatre of action, truth is not always related without embellishment, and sometimes is entirely perverted, from a misconception of the causes which produce the effects that are the subjects of censure.
Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.
We walk around every day not knowing the exact level of risk and benefit associated with most of our actions, yet it remains our responsibility to decide what’s worth pursuing.
We walk around every day not knowing the exact level of risk and benefit associated with most of our actions, yet it remains our responsibility to decide what’s worth pursuing.
 Julie Foucher
The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.