Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 211

Every activity performed in public can attain an excellence never matched in privacy; for excellence, by definition, the presence of others is always required.
Every activity performed in public can attain an excellence never matched in privacy; for excellence, by definition, the presence of others is always required.
When you get up in the morning, set your motivations.
 Richard Gere
We will act consistently with our view of who we truly are, whether that view is accurate or not.
One of the reasons I became a writer is that, unlike starting a band, directing movies, or acting in a theatrical production, you can do it alone. Your success and failure depend entirely on yourself.
 Neil Strauss
We have a lot of players in their first year. Some of them are also in their last year.
 Bill Walsh
With Jerry Bruckheimer, you know you'll get your money's worth. You're getting huge action sequences, it's going to be funny, and you know it's going to look great.
 Jerry O'Connell
[A conductor's] happiness does not come from only his own story and his joy of the music. The joy is about enabling other people's stories to be heard at the same time.
 Itay Talgam
You have to be in good shape, basically. And then, you have to have a certain craziness, if you're going to do some of the action things.
 Antonio Banderas
The ostrich burying its head in the sand does at any rate wish to convey the impression that its head is the most important part of it.
 Katherine Mansfield
Most American cities shop to their best advantage when seen from a height or from a distance, at a point where the ugliness of the buildings dissolves into the beauty of an abstraction.
Most American cities shop to their best advantage when seen from a height or from a distance, at a point where the ugliness of the buildings dissolves into the beauty of an abstraction.
 Lewis H. Lapham
Look the world straight in the eye.
Everything must be recaptured and relocated in the general framework of history, so that despite the difficulties, the fundamental paradoxes and contradictions, we may respect the unity of history which is also the unity of life.
 Fernand Braudel
Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.
 George Adair
My mother was a barmaid and I was raised in a trailer park. I'm used to that language. I put it on the screen so that people could interpret it as they wish.
 Penelope Spheeris
We still by no means think decisively enough about the essence of action.
 Martin Heidegger
Getting distracted by trifles is the easiest thing in the world… Focus on your main duty
Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the strategy for getting there; they cause change. They motivate and inspire others to go in the right direction and they, along with everyone else, sacrifice to get there.
 John P. Kotter
No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
Every time there\'s a cut in the action, we joke and dance around, there\'s show tunes and fart noises.
Every time there's a cut in the action, we joke and dance around, there's show tunes and fart noises.
 Darby Stanchfield
To all the rest of his Absurdities, (for vice is always unreasonable,) he adds one more, who expects that Vertue from another which he won't practise himself.
 Mary Astell