Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 21

I was simply restless, quite likely because of a dissatisfaction with the recent trajectory of my life, and if there is a better, more compelling reason for dropping everything and moving to the end of the world, I know not what it is.
I was simply restless, quite likely because of a dissatisfaction with the recent trajectory of my life, and if there is a better, more compelling reason for dropping everything and moving to the end of the world, I know not what it is.
 J. Maarten Troost
I have the rematch that I wanted. I'm going to knockout a Mexican and I will reconquer my title
 Sergio Martinez
It isn't easy to be frank with yourself. But, if you wish to find your particular success in life, it is the most rewarding reaction of them all.
 Brownie Wise
I had a strong desire to write and some free time.
 Francoise Sagan
We must heap up a great pile of doing, for a small diameter of being.
My real motivation is to reach 3:25... I am still young; I have a lot of time left in my career.
 Noureddine Morceli
This is a call to action—not an action that will make things better in six months’ time or a year’s time, but action that might save someone’s life and someone’s future this afternoon, tonight, tomorrow morning.
 Patrick Stewart
In a sense, Britain inadvertently, through its actions in Hong Kong, did more to reduce world poverty than all the aid programs that we've undertaken in the last century.
 Paul Romer
It's for management to enthuse & motivate employees towards excellence in service; the profit incentive doesn't last
 Phil Harding
Gratitude isn\'t a tool to manipulate the universe or God. It\'s a way to acknowledge our faith that everything happens for a reason even if we don\'t know what that reason is. ~Melody Beattie, 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact, pg. 34.
Gratitude isn't a tool to manipulate the universe or God. It's a way to acknowledge our faith that everything happens for a reason even if we don't know what that reason is. ~Melody Beattie, 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact, pg. 34.
 Melody Beattie
As leaders, we understand that intangibles are important, but we don't have a clue how to measure them.
 Chip Conley
Mental models are deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures of images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action.
 Peter Senge
Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.
At a certain stage in the path of devotion, the devotee finds satisfaction in God with form, and at another stage, in God without it.
Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of.
 Ken Robinson
Use every letter you write Every conversation you have Every meeting you attend To express your fundamental beliefs and dreams Affirm to others the vision of the world you want
 Robert Muller
I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them.
 Baruch Spinoza
To enter into the hearts of men belongs to him who can explore the human heart.
 Lloyd Kenyon, 1st Baron Kenyon
Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.
Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.
Picture in your mind the able, earnest, useful person you desire to be, and the thought you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual you so admire