Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 182

The key to the many is often the one; it is how you regard and talk about the one in that one\'s absence or presence that communicates to the many how you would regard and talk about them in their presence or absence.
The key to the many is often the one; it is how you regard and talk about the one in that one's absence or presence that communicates to the many how you would regard and talk about them in their presence or absence.
Never forget that it is the spirit with which you endow your work that makes it useful or futile.
 Adelaide Hasse
Action that comes from the feeling of inspiration is action that will produce good results, for you are allowing the Laws of Attraction of the Universe to carry you.
Somewhere along the line we stopped believing we could do anything. And if we don't have our dreams, we have nothing.
 Billy Bob Thornton
Had my life increased, or merely added to itself? There had been addition and subtraction in my life, but how much multiplication?
 Julian Barnes
Few ideas are in themselves practical. It is for want of imagination in applying them that they fail. The creative process does not end with an idea-it only starts with an idea.
 John D. Arnold
From a genomic perspective, we are all Africans.
 Svante Paabo
I wonder where a guy, an everyday Joe like myself can find a little action.
One of the things we know is that you cannot motivate other people, but you can remove the obstacles that stop them from motivating themselves. All motivation is self-motivation.
The distinction between private and public undermines the unity of spiritual strength, draining the public of the transcendent energies while trivializing them because the merely private life provides no proper stage for their action.
The distinction between private and public undermines the unity of spiritual strength, draining the public of the transcendent energies while trivializing them because the merely private life provides no proper stage for their action.
 Allan Bloom
Every good composition is above all a work of abstraction. All good painters know this. But the painter cannot dispense with subjects altogether without his work suffering impoverishment.
 Diego Rivera
The key is that I control my life; my life doesn't control me.
 Gabrielle Reece
Courage and comfort, all shall yet go well
Art is there for nourishment, not explication.
 Walter Darby Bannard
Doing your best is taking the action because you love it, not because you're expecting a reward
But do I think that our actions in anyway violate the War Powers Resolution, the answer is no.
Whether B2B or B2C, I believe passionately that good marketing essentials are the same. We all are emotional beings looking for relevance, context and connection.
 Beth Comstock
We had a lot of adversity, but we found a way.
 Matt Holliday
The only reason I started using samples was because people talked about me not sounding like Kanye or The Heatmakers.
The only reason I started using samples was because people talked about me not sounding like Kanye or The Heatmakers.
The purpose of direct action is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation.