Mothers ... would do anything ...

Mothers ... would do anything to steer their daughter the right way. It is frustrating beyond measure for them when a daughter screams, 'You don't understand, and you'll never understand!' The mother stamps her foot in aggravation, but in this case the daughter is right: the mother doesn't understand. She merely remembers, and memory is separate from experience.
 Caitlin Flanagan

Quotes from the same author

My father was a writer; I've known a lot of children of writers - daughters and sons of writers, and it can be a hard way to grow up.
 Caitlin Flanagan
My mother was very involved with Cesar Chavez's work on behalf of the migrant farm workers in California.
 Caitlin Flanagan
I miss my mother very much, and I feel closest to her when I have dinner in the oven and the children are nearby playing and I'm reading a book or doing some little project.
 Caitlin Flanagan
In many respects a teenage girl's home is more important to her than at any time since she was a small child. She also needs emotional support and protection from the most corrosive cultural forces that seek to exploit her when she is least able to resist.
 Caitlin Flanagan