Motherhood is priced Of God, ...

Motherhood is priced Of God, at price no man may dare To lessen or misunderstand.
 Helen Hunt Jackson

Quotes from the same author

The woman who creates and sustains a home, and under whose hands children grow up to be strong and pure men and women, is a creator second only to God.
 Helen Hunt Jackson
Bee to the blossom, moth to the flame; Each to his passion; what's in a name?
 Helen Hunt Jackson
Gazing around, looking up at the lofty pinnacles above, which seemed to pierce the sky, looking down upon the world,-\-\it seemed the whole world, so limitless it stretched away at her feet,-\-\feeling that infinite unspeakable sense of nearness to Heaven, remoteness from earth which comes only on mountain heights, she drew in a long breath of delight, and cried: "At last! at last, Alessandro! Here we are safe! This is freedom! This is joy!
 Helen Hunt Jackson
Most men call fretting a minor fault, a foible, and not a vice. There is no vice except drunkenness which can so utterly destroy the peace, the happiness of a hoe.
 Helen Hunt Jackson
The new is older than the old; And newest friend is oldest friend in this: That, waiting him, we longest grieved to miss One thing we sought.
 Helen Hunt Jackson