Most people tell themselves ...

Most people tell themselves these excuses - I\'ve always been this way, this is my nature, I can\'t help it - that are just memes. They\'re belief systems that keep you from being able to become all that you are intended to become. They\'re impediments to reaching God-realization, or Tao-centeredness. People lose track of their purpose, because they are so back there - living in their past. Byron Katie speaks about this: Who would you be without your story? Carlos Castaneda used to say if you don\'t have a story, you don\'t have to live up to it. So get rid of your story.
Most people tell themselves these excuses - I've always been this way, this is my nature, I can't help it - that are just memes. They're belief systems that keep you from being able to become all that you are intended to become. They're impediments to reaching God-realization, or Tao-centeredness. People lose track of their purpose, because they are so back there - living in their past. Byron Katie speaks about this: Who would you be without your story? Carlos Castaneda used to say if you don't have a story, you don't have to live up to it. So get rid of your story.

Quotes from the same author

If your message to the universe is gimme, gimme, gimme, the universe's response back to that kind of mentality is exactly the same. The universe will say right back to you over and over again, gimme, gimme, gimme. If you shift that and you say to the universe, to the world, how may I serve? How may I serve? The universe's response back to you is how may I serve you? How may I serve you?
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.
Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgement of others.
I think and that is all that I am.
Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.