Transform Your Mindset: Quotes to Shift Your Perspective - page 12

The secret to success is action, not attitude.Your attitude doesn\'t matter. It is what you do with your time.
The secret to success is action, not attitude.Your attitude doesn't matter. It is what you do with your time.
 Mary Stuart Masterson
Solicitous care for living things affords satisfaction to one of the most lively instincts of the child's mind. Nothing is better calculated than this to awaken an attitude of foresight.
Work for the fun of it, and the money will arrive some day.
 Ronnie Milsap
Achievers have a can-do attitude that sets them apart from mere dreamers. Achievers are sold out to success-no matter the obstacles-and they are willing to put forth the effort and pay the price of success.
You can always have it better. If you try... [This is the right attitude:] Never to feel [completely] satisfied, always to want to do something better!
 Alex Kapranos
Motivation describes your attitude when you would rather do one thing more than another at a particular time.
 Robert Anthony
It is our attitude toward free thought and free expression that will determine our fate. There must be no limit on the range of temperate discussion, no limits on thought. No subject must be taboo. No censor must preside at our assemblies.
 William O. Douglas
Some of these guys wear beards to make them look intimidating, but they don't look so tough when they have to deliver the ball. Their abilities and their attitudes don't back up their beards.
 Don Drysdale
All personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual. Your personal achievement starts in your mind. The first step is to know exactly what your problem, goal or desire is.
 W. Clement Stone
There is a difference between CAN\'T and WON\'T. \'Can\'t\' can be the result of lacking physical ability, but \'won\'t\' has more to do with attitude.
There is a difference between CAN'T and WON'T. 'Can't' can be the result of lacking physical ability, but 'won't' has more to do with attitude.
 TJ Hoisington
You really just have to have a good attitude, challenge yourself, and you can accomplish great things.
 Zach Anner
Honor the sacred. Honor the Earth, our Mother. Honor all with whom we share the Earth Walk in balance and beauty.
 Robert Muller
I think that acting can be a very pressurized existence. So when I'm not working, I spend very loose and unpressurized time and I like to meet people who have a similar attitude.
 Nathan Fillion
What you believe to be the truth directly determines your attitude towards yourself and the world, the words you say and the actions you take.
 Mark Victor Hansen
It's all about attitude and feeling good about yourself and not looking like everybody on TV. You do not have to be small; you can have some junk in your trunk.
 Beyonce Knowles
This attitude of mind - this attitude of uncertainty - is vital to the scientist, and it is this attitude of mind which the student must first acquire. It becomes a habit of thought. Once acquired, we cannot retreat from it anymore.
 Richard P. Feynman
The carrion birds sat about the topmost corners of the houses with their wings outstretched in attitudes of exhortation like dark little bishops.
That morning was when I first began to reappraise the 'white man.' It was when I first began to perceive that 'white man,' as commonly used, means complexion only secondarily; primarily it described attitudes and actions.
Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
Acting is magical. Change your look and your attitude, and you can be anyone.
 Alicia Witt