Powerful Mind Quotes to Unlock Your Inner Potential - page 72

He who talks more is sooner exhausted.
He who talks more is sooner exhausted.
A mind dominated by positive emotions, becomes a favorable abode for the state of mind known as faith.
I had my father's mind, but he had his mother's mind. Fortunately, his mother lived with us and so I early realized that intellectual abilities of the kind I shared with my father and grandmother were not sex-linked.
A great rock is not disturbed by the wind; the mind of a wise man is not disturbed by either honor or abuse.
Mindfulness is when you are engaged in activities but the mind is set into the meditative state all the time. Meditation is to be aware of many different levels. It's not just the absence of thought.
All people deserve access to health at prices they can afford.
 Jacqueline Novogratz
An intention is a quality of consciousness that you bring to an action.
I do know that some Buddhists are able to attain peace of mind.
 Martin Scorsese
If you accept that a relationship is here to make you conscious instead of happy, then the relationship will offer you salvation, and you will be aligning yourself with the higher consciousness that wants to be born into this world.
I certainly do have this feeling of affection for the absolute sense of intellectual freedom that exists as a live nerve, a live wire, right through the center of American life.
I certainly do have this feeling of affection for the absolute sense of intellectual freedom that exists as a live nerve, a live wire, right through the center of American life.
 Norman Mailer
History not used is nothing, for all intellectual life is action, like practical life, and if you don't use the stuff - well, it might as well be dead.
 Arnold J. Toynbee
Dear Ones, Beware of the tiny gods frightened men Create To bring anesthetic relief to their sad days
With charity, money is purified. By service, our actions are purified. With music, our emotions are purified and with knowledge our intellect is purified.
 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Love is created and preserved by intellectual analysis, for we love only that which is unique, and it belongs to contemplation, not to action, for we would not change that which we love.
I don’t know what the explosion did, but it damaged something deep and irreparable. Never mind. If I get home, I’ll be so stinking rich, I’ll be able to pay someone to do my hearing.
Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.
He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty.
The continuous networks of neural circuitry accomplish their functions using multiple, independently discovered strategies. The brain lends itself well to the complexity of the world, but poorly to clear-cut cartography.
 David Eagleman
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
Absolute brain size does not tell you everything or possibly sometimes even much. Elephants and whales both have brains larger than ours, but you wouldn't have much trouble outwitting them in contract negotiations.
 Bill Bryson