Powerful Mind Quotes to Unlock Your Inner Potential - page 29

All gardeners need to know when to accept something wonderful and unexpected, taking no credit except for letting it be.
All gardeners need to know when to accept something wonderful and unexpected, taking no credit except for letting it be.
 Allen Lacy
Only those who have lived all their lives under the dark clouds of vague, undefined fears can appreciate the joy of a doubting soul suddenly born into the kingdom of reason and free thought.
Ignorant men raise questions that wise men answered a thousand years ago.
Through discipline comes freedom.
Indifference is commonly the mother of discretion.
 Lord Chesterfield
The very remoteness kindles the imagination of the adventurous hunter. From the top of any mountain the challenge extends far and wide, until the mountains meet the sky.
 Fred Bear
The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.
 John Maeda
Every creative act – in science, art, or religion – involves a regression to a more primitive level, a new innocence of perception liberated from the cataract of accepted beliefs.
 Arthur Koestler
Outside among your fellows, among strangers, you must preserve appearances, a hundred things you cannot do; but inside, the terrible freedom.
You set up your place in my thoughts, moved in and made my thinking crowded.
You set up your place in my thoughts, moved in and made my thinking crowded.
 Emily Saliers
Mediocrity is perhaps due not so much to lack of imagination as to lack of faith in the imagination, lack of the capacity for this abandon.
 Denise Levertov
All of humanity now has the option to "make it" successfully and sustainably, by virtue of our having minds, discovering principles and being able to employ these principles to do more with less.
 R. Buckminster Fuller
Whoever prefers the material comforts of life over intellectual wealth is like the owner of a palace who moves into the servants’ quarters and leaves the sumptuous rooms empty.
 Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom.
Having an open mind does not necessarily lead to perfection. It is your ability to observe, analyze, discern, and understand the true essence that basic principles contain that point the way to perfection.
 Ed Parker
He's a fool who cannot conceal his wisdom.
The three most difficult things for a human being are not physical feats or intellectual achievements. They are, first, returning love for hate; second, including the excluded; third, admitting that you are wrong.
 Anthony de Mello
Your father abandoned us. (Zephyra) I know. You’ve told me that enough that it’s permanently seared into my brain. Still, he’s a part of me and I’d like to have closure. (Medea) You really need to stop watching Oprah. (Zephyra)
Be still, then, thou uneasy mortal; know that God is unerringly wise; and be assured that, amidst the greatest multiplicity of beings, He does not overlook thee.
Be still, then, thou uneasy mortal; know that God is unerringly wise; and be assured that, amidst the greatest multiplicity of beings, He does not overlook thee.
 James Hervey
One finds life through conquering the fear of death within one's mind. Empty the mind of all forms of attachment, make a go-for-broke charge and conquer the opponent with one decisive slash.
 Takenaka Shigekata