Powerful Mind Quotes to Unlock Your Inner Potential - page 112

Minds are the real estate of the 21st century.
Minds are the real estate of the 21st century.
 Chuck D
What do we have to achieve? Not your position, not your wealth, not all these outward things, but you have to achieve a loving heart.
 Nirmala Srivastava
With every song I have a person in mind who, in a perfect world, would perform with me. Usually I end up not getting that person, and I'm forced to settle for someone else.
 Busta Rhymes
We are here to bring to consciousness the beauty and power that are around us and to praise the people who are here with us.
 Annie Dillard
It is a great proof of talents to be able to recall the mind from the senses, and to separate thought from habit.
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Minds, unlike brains, are not entirely given at birth. Minds are also forms of cultural achievement.
 Elliot W. Eisner
Patriotism takes the place of religion in France. In the service of la patrie, the doing of one's duty is elevated into the sphere of exalted emotion.
 W. C. Brownell
Presence of mind, penetration, fine observation, are the sciences of women; ability to avail themselves of these is their talent.
Yet as human beings we have to accept-with humility-that the question of ultimate origins will always remain with us, no matter how deeply we understand the brain and the cosmos that it creates.
Yet as human beings we have to accept-with humility-that the question of ultimate origins will always remain with us, no matter how deeply we understand the brain and the cosmos that it creates.
 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
Despair, when not the response to absolute physical and moral defeat is, like war, the failure of imagination.
 Adrienne Rich
Many great actions are committed in small struggles.
The challenge has always been to wrest emotion out of a doll face that we think of as only having one emotion. It's moving a light, moving my camera; it's just this mental investment that I make, and suddenly, everything changes.
 Laurie Simmons
If we hope to live not just from moment to moment, but in true consciousness of our existence, then our greatest need and most difficult achievement is to find meaning in our lives.
 Bruno Bettelheim
In the frank expression of conflicting opinions lies the greatest promise of wisdom in governmental action.
 Louis D. Brandeis
The thing that is probably most important is having a brain, and to be able to figure things out and learn things very rapidly.
 Benjamin Carson
The seven deadly sins of the Christian Church are: greed, pride, envy, anger, gluttony, lust, and sloth. Satanism advocates indulging in each of these "sins" as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.
I have always tried to keep truth in my photographs. My work, whether realistic or abstract, has always dealt with a form of religion or imagination.
 Ralph Eugene Meatyard
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
A landscape painting is essentially emotional in origin. It exists as a record of an effect in nature whose splendour has moved a human heart, and according as it is well or ill done it moves the hearts of others.
 Walter J. Phillips