Powerful Mind Quotes to Unlock Your Inner Potential - page 101

Functional goods sold en masse earn a good return but breakthrough profits come from satisfying emotional needs.
Functional goods sold en masse earn a good return but breakthrough profits come from satisfying emotional needs.
 Michael J. Silverstein
Cowards die many times before their actual deaths.
 Julius Caesar
His essential nature is sat-chit-ananda: (Sat) Absolute Being - He encompasses everything because there is nothing outside of him; (Chit) Absolute Consciousness - He is the complete consciousness
 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Mountains and deserts, with their sparse life at the limit of existence, make one restless and disconsolate; one becomes an explorer in an intellectual realm as well as in a physical one.
 George Schaller
My work is never intellectual. I never make a negative unless emotionally moved by my subject.
 Edward Weston
Swallow what's bitter in the cup and move on.
 Howard W. Hunter
if something is perfect, then there is nothing left,there is no for imagination, no place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities
 Tite Kubo
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Sometimes it is more important to discover what one cannot do, than what one can do.
 Lin Yutang
Love: I recognize the emotion for what it is, an irrational self-destructive impulse, which is disguised as joy.
Love: I recognize the emotion for what it is, an irrational self-destructive impulse, which is disguised as joy.
Though the dungeon, the scourge, and the executioner be absent, the guilty mind can apply the goad and scorch with blows.
Remember: in order for a perception to change one must be frustrated in one's actions or change one's purpose.
 Neil Postman
Nothing drives progress like the imagination. The idea precedes the deed. The only exceptions are accidents and natural selection.
 Theodore Levitt
Experiences have clearly shown that an approach which 'de-medicalizes' birth, restores dignity and humanity to the process of childbirth, and returns control to the mother is also the safest approach.
 Michel Odent
I'm terrified that I will never be able to put him from my mind. I don't love him but I'm afraid that he will make it impossible for me ever to love anyone else.
 Mary Balogh
Knowledge can only be got in one way, the way of experience; there is no other way to know.
In 'Self Comes to Mind' I pay a lot of attention to simple creatures without brains or minds, because those 'cartooned abstractions of who we are' operate on precisely the same principles that we do.
 Antonio Damasio
A clever man without wisdom is like a beautiful flower without fragrance.
It\'s not enough to be able to spell \
It's not enough to be able to spell "magnificence" in your bedroom. You have to be able to spell it at the microphone during the spelling bee.
 Cynthia Lewis
You know, in addition to your mind-reading abilities, I may have absorbed some sluttiness from your blood.
 Jeaniene Frost