Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 96

Communication is a science as well as an art. What does speaking precisely mean? You are consciously communicating with another person at that person\'s frequency, not yours.
Communication is a science as well as an art. What does speaking precisely mean? You are consciously communicating with another person at that person's frequency, not yours.
 Harbhajan Singh Yogi
For a shield from the storm, for a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm...I turn to you. For the strength to be strong, for the will to carry on...for everything you do, for everything thats true, I turn to you.
 Christina Aguilera
But by all means, keep moving.
The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
 James A. Garfield
It is possible to have a strong self-love without any self-satisfaction, rather with a self-discontent which is the more intense because one's own little core of egoistic sensibility is a supreme care.
Looking at various means of developing compassion, I think empathy is an important factor: the ability to appreciate others' suffering.
We believe that unless we give opportunity to the strong and able, we shall never have the means to provide real protection for the weak and the old.
 Harold MacMillan
The remnants of pain left behind by every strong negative emotion that is not fully faced, accepted, and then let go of join together to form an energy field that lives in the very cells of your body.
There is hardly anything more confusing than a really strong-willed woman and when you are surrounded by two of them in the midst of trying to save the world, it really adds to some drama!
 Austin Butler
The Athens Olympics will be meaningful even though I cannot participate as an athlete, since I can participate in the flame relay all over the world.
The Athens Olympics will be meaningful even though I cannot participate as an athlete, since I can participate in the flame relay all over the world.
 Cathy Freeman
Without freedom of expression, good taste means nothing.
 Neil Young
What keeps us from achieving our heart's desires is not anything outside of us, it's the conflict inside.
My mother named me after a miracle of nature: Waris means desert flower. The desert flower blooms in a barren environment where few living things can survive.
 Waris Dirie
Mothers, tell your children: be quick, you must be strong. Life is full of wonder, love is never wrong. Remember how they taught you, how much of it was fear. Refuse to hand it down - the legacy stops here.
 Melissa Etheridge
Ideally, peace means the absence of violence. It is an ethical value.
 Mikhail Gorbachev
Voluntary poverty isn't going around with some burlap bag around you and imitating the poor. It means being indifferent to the material, doing as Christ said. He went and sat down with the rich and Zachaeus and publicans and sinners.
 Dorothy Day
On course doesn't mean perfect. On course means that even when things don't go perfectly - you are still going in the right direction.
 Charles Garfield
I am the friend of peace and mean to preserve it for America so long as I am able. . . . No course of my choosing or of their (nations at war) will lead to war. War can come only by the wilful acts and aggressions of others.
Our tax policy is engineered by people who view tax as a means of achieving changes in our social structure.
Our tax policy is engineered by people who view tax as a means of achieving changes in our social structure.
Being more aware creates responsibility. What does responsibility mean? It means the ability to respond. The more conscious you are in your ability to respond, the more creative you'll be.