Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 88

“All men are warriors and life for everything in our universe is nothing but war.”
“All men are warriors and life for everything in our universe is nothing but war.”
 David Zindell
Friendship is the strongest bond in the world.
 Jeremy Taylor
Achieving meaningful goals requires that you commit your entire ass, not just one cheek.
 Steve Pavlina
Great companies have high cultures of accountability, it comes with this culture of criticism I was talking about before, and I think our culture is strong on that.
 Steve Ballmer
We demand entire freedom of action and then expect the government in some miraculous way to save us from the consequences of our own acts.... Self-government means self-reliance.
The desire of gold is not for gold. It is not the love of much wheat, and wool and household stuff. It is the means of freedom and benefit.
When our eyes are set on eternity, the news that someone has come to know the Savior means a great deal more than the news of a salary raise or the prospect of getting the latest high-tech gadget.
 Randy Alcorn
My daughter is here in town doing a play, and her dog is staying with us. We live up in the hills, so he has access to thousands of acres of wilderness.
 Rene Auberjonois
Idleness, we are accustomed to say, is the root of all evil. To prevent this evil, work is recommended.... Idleness as such is by no means a root of evil; on the contrary, it is truly a divine life, if one is not bored.
Just because there are things I don\'t remember, doesn\'t mean my actions are meaningless. The whole world doesn\'t just disappear when you close your eyes, does it?
Just because there are things I don't remember, doesn't mean my actions are meaningless. The whole world doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes, does it?
 Guy Pearce
I'm hoping that Penn State will one day be able to find a cure for cancer. Being a part of THON means I'm doing my part to find that cure.
 James Wolfe
We can move America forward with a strong middle class. We can move America forward with a strong Democratic majority in the Senate. And together we can move America forward with Barack Obama in the White House.
 Harry Reid
Mourning after an absent God is an evidence of a love as strong, as rejoicing in a present one.
 Frederick William Robertson
... there is wisdom in madness and strong probability of truth in all accusations, for people are complete, and everyone is capable of everything.
 Joseph Heller
Why should you use a term [rebels] in the United States and England and maybe other countries and use another term in Syria ? This is a double standard that we don't accept.
 Bashar al-Assad
Only a fool or a fraud talks tough or romantically about war.
A man is angry at a libel because it is false, but at a satire because it is true.
If you think, what was the last really big, big accomplishment for the nation that came purely out of the legislature? It might be the Americans with Disabilities Act. I mean that really was a legislative creation.
 Tim Kaine
To be able to choose between proprietary software packages is to be able to choose your master. Freedom means not having a master.
To be able to choose between proprietary software packages is to be able to choose your master. Freedom means not having a master.
 Richard Stallman
A multitude is strong while it holds together, but so soon as each of those who compose it begins ro think of his own private danger, it becomes weak and contemptible.