Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 84

When I edit the poems - and I do edit, which some people don\'t mean when they use the term \
When I edit the poems - and I do edit, which some people don't mean when they use the term "stream of consciousness" - I'm usually editing toward greater accuracy, which sometimes means more fragmentation, because that is the way I think.
 Rachel Zucker
I enjoy feeling physically strong, so maybe I'd like to be able to lift a building and launch it at someone.
 Nikki Reed
Friday means popcorn and multiplexes, speaking of movies, and it is the multi that is the problem. So many movie screens. The struggle of what to put on them.
 Mike Pesca
I don't want to have strong arms, like you get from Pilates or yoga. But dancing arms become your best accessory. And it's great for your core muscles.
 Natalia Vodianova
I'm away so much I've had to learn to cook, and I find it relaxing after filming. I make stews and liver and bacon, and an Italian mate taught me how to make a mean puttanesca sauce.
 Ray Winstone
I think, it's so difficult to create a buzz anywhere, whether it be online, the streets, radio, anywhere, that if you are able to create a buzz somewhere, it definitely means something.
 Joe Budden
The best part? Probably being able to portray such a respectable, ethical, intelligent, strong woman. That's still pretty rare in our business, unfortunately.
 Catherine Bell
So from an angry lawman's mouth, the Outlaw Motorcyclists were born.
 Chuck Zito
To design is to plan, to order, to relate, and to control. In short, it opposes all means of disorder and accident.
 Emil Ruder
L\'amor che move il sole e l\'altre stelle. \
L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle. "It means that love is the most powerful force in the world. That love can do anything.
Being on a movie set when you have a great strong people there supporting you can be very nurturing. You get to explore these creative parts of yourself as a child that most people don't explore until they're in college.
 Mae Whitman
Cinema has become my life. I dont mean a parallel world, I mean my life itself. I sometimes have the impression that the daily reality is simply there to provide material for my next film.
 Pedro Almodovar
Every time a strong wind blows, every sand and dust yearns for being a solid rock and every solid rock longs for flying with the wind!
When I accept an apology it means that the part in me that honors our relationship honors the part in you that honors our relationship.
 John Kador
This duo inside of me causes the perfect opportunity to live and learn twice as fast as those who choose to accept simplicity.
 Tupac Shakur
Strong reasons make strong actions let us go If you say ay, the king will not say no.
While I wholeheartedly believe in choosing to approach every challenge with a great attitude, I don't mean that we should abandon authenticity and live in fantasyland.
 Charles R. Swindoll
So (if) some cracker come and tell you 'Well, my mother and father blood go back to the Mayflower,' you better hold your pocket. That ain't nothing to be proud of. That means their forefathers was crooks.
 Al Sharpton
At fifteen, my mind was bent on learning.
At thirty, I stood firm.
At forty, I had no doubts.
At fifty, I knew the decrees of Heaven.
At sixty, my ear was receptive to truth.
At seventy, I could follow my heart\'s desires without sin.
At fifteen, my mind was bent on learning. At thirty, I stood firm. At forty, I had no doubts. At fifty, I knew the decrees of Heaven. At sixty, my ear was receptive to truth. At seventy, I could follow my heart's desires without sin.
If the Declaration of Independence states our creed, there can be no right to abortion, since it means denying the most fundamental right of all to the unborn child, the right to life.
 Alan Keyes