Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 71

Why do otherwise sane, competent, strong men, men who can wrestle bears or raid corporations, shrink away in horror at the thought of washing a dish or changing a diaper?
Why do otherwise sane, competent, strong men, men who can wrestle bears or raid corporations, shrink away in horror at the thought of washing a dish or changing a diaper?
 Frank Pittman
Perfect does not mean perfect actions in a perfect world, bur appropriate actions in an imperfect one.
 Reginald Horace Blyth
Every moment of mindfulness means the gradual destruction of latent defilements. It is somewhat like cutting away a piece of wood with a small axe, every stroke helping to get rid of the unwanted fragments of wood.
 Mahasi Sayadaw
Political figures who talk a lot about liberty and freedom invariably turn out to mean the freedom to not pay taxes and discriminate based on race; freedom to hold different ideas and express them, not so much.
 Paul Krugman
Void is when there is absolutely nothing there and the nothing is natural, a complete vacuum. But empty - with empty, you are aware of what's supposed to be there. Empty means something is missing.
To those who would criticize our tough stance, I would point out that the United States has demonstrated not merely with words but with its actions that we stand firmly behind Article 5, the mutual defense commitment.
Compassion doesn't weaken leadership, it makes it stronger.
 Rudy Giuliani
Everyone wants to feel loved, but when all you feel is alone it's tough to accomplish anything else.
 Glenn Beck
I guess I get a little sentimental, but I'm so used to moving on and making myself stronger where that's concerned, otherwise I would just be a wreck!
 Jeremy London
Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it.
Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it.
 David Richo
We need a stronger national voice for social workers which leads to a change in how the profession is viewed and its ability to represent itself to other professional bodies and with central government.
 Andy Sawford
Some people in China don't look at freedom of speech as an abstract ideal, but more as a means to an end.
 Yiyun Li
The best team I ever saw, and I really mean this, was the '61 Yankees.
 Mickey Mantle
Tyson dropped the two warriors he was about to tie into a knot and jogged after us. He jumped on the centaur's back. 'Dude!' the centaur groaned, almost buckling under Tyson's weight. 'Do the words "low-carb diet" mean anything to you?
It is at despair at not being able to be noble and beautiful by natural means that we have made up our faces so strangely.
 Charles Baudelaire
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
For acting, if there's a strong female role and there is that action element, for me that just feels really natural.
 Marisa Miller
The churches that are most obviously democratic are most obviously given to race prejudice. I mean the churches that have absolute congregational control.
 Reinhold Niebuhr
A strong plan of action will yield you quantum results and will ensure that you don’t fall into the familiar patterns of your past.
A strong plan of action will yield you quantum results and will ensure that you don’t fall into the familiar patterns of your past.
 Debbie Ford
In a market economy with the division and specialization of labor, people use others as means to achieve their ends. This is the essence of market cooperation.
 Stephan Kinsella