Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 67

So OK, it\'s your special big Four-O birthday But don\'t expect me to be obsequious and fawning You, being you, can\'t possibly be a good example So do try, at least, to serve as a warning
So OK, it's your special big Four-O birthday But don't expect me to be obsequious and fawning You, being you, can't possibly be a good example So do try, at least, to serve as a warning
 John Walter Bratton
The victory over Euclidean space was not achieved by isolated individuals, but by a field of young rebels opposed to all absolutes.
If sexuality means saying yes to life, then you should be able to remain sexual until the day you die.
 Susan Sarandon
“Silence is the warrior’s art — and meditation is his sword. With it, you’ll cut through your illusions.”
 Dan Millman
In the hands of Science and indomitable energy, results the most gigantic and absorbing may be wrought out by skilful combinations of acknowledged data and the simplest means.
 George Biddell Airy
“God doesn’t give the hardest battles to his toughest soldiers, he creates the toughest soldiers through life’s hardest battles”
 Warrior Saying
The fact that some people are opposed on religious grounds mainly, well, that doesn't bother me as long as they're not allowed to influence other people by force or by whatever other means.
 Henry Morgentaler
To hope does not mean to know the future, but rather to be open, in an attitude of spiritual childhood, to accepting it as a gift.
 Gustavo Gutiérrez
I believe that the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century.
Our desires cannot be, and were never meant to be, satisfied by earthly pleasures alone.
Our desires cannot be, and were never meant to be, satisfied by earthly pleasures alone.
 Alister E. McGrath
Kids don't even know what it means that you have to watch a show on Thursday night at 9 o'clock, on any given network. You just put it on your DVR, or queue it up on your computer, and it's an on-demand and instant access world.
 Joseph McGinty Nichol
It is all nonsense, to be sure; and so much the greater nonsense inasmuch as the true interpretation of many dreams - not by any means of all dreams - moves, it may be said, in the opposite direction to the method of psycho-analysis.
 Arthur Machen
The silence of a wise man is always meaningful.
 Leo Strauss
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.
I made my choice to be in Ferrari. It is not easy because it is important for a man to have satisfaction. And for me to get the satisfaction I want means getting results.
 Jean Alesi
Love remembered and consecrated by grief belongs, more clearly than the happy intercourse of friends, to the eternal world; it has proved itself stronger than death.
 William Ralph Inge
Always in absent lovers love's tide flows stronger.
The overwhelming public sentiment in India was that no meaningful dialogue can be held with Pakistan until it abandons the use of terrorism as an instrument of its foreign policy.
 Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Farmers present by themselves the basic force of the national movement. Without farmers there can be no strong national movement. This is what we mean when we say that the nationalist question, is actually, the farmers\' question.
Farmers present by themselves the basic force of the national movement. Without farmers there can be no strong national movement. This is what we mean when we say that the nationalist question, is actually, the farmers' question.
 Joseph Stalin
When journalists are 'accused' of being 'advocates', that means: challenging and deviating from DC orthodoxies.
 Glenn Greenwald