Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 57

An individual\'s state of consciousness (awareness) simply means his ability to accept change in his life. It includes new thoughts and new feelings, and the new behavior and actions that will naturally come as a result.
An individual's state of consciousness (awareness) simply means his ability to accept change in his life. It includes new thoughts and new feelings, and the new behavior and actions that will naturally come as a result.
 Harold Klemp
Man's right to know, to learn, to inquire, to make bona fide errors, to investigate human emotions must, by all means, be safe, if the word "freedom" should ever be more than an empty political slogan.
 Wilhelm Reich
To perceive the aura of an object we look at means to invest it with the ability to look at us in return.
 Walter Benjamin
Pictures are wasted unless the motive power which impelled you to action is strong and stirring.
 Berenice Abbott
To be a political poet means simply to be a poet, and any poet worth their salt will be a political animal in their own peculiar way - they have no choice: politics is one of the many fragments we thread into the tapestry of the poem.
 Andre Naffis-Sahely
A thug is someone who stands on his own. He lives by the decisions he makes and accepts the consequences. A thug is comfortable in his own skin. I wear mine like a glove.
 Trick Daddy
I mean, there's times to rock and roll, and I love that too. But I think my first love is acoustic music.
 Graham Nash
He had the kind of face only a mother could love. If that mother was blind in one eye, and had that sort of milky film over the other one, ya..ya know, ya know what I mean? But still he was my identical twin.
 Colin Mochrie
Spirit is now a very fashionable word: to act with Spirit, to speak with Spirit, means only to act rashly, and to talk indiscreetly. An able man shows his Spirit by gentle words and resolute actions; he is neither hot nor timid.
 Lord Chesterfield
The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make him. Be attentive, but don\'t be paranoiac.
The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make him. Be attentive, but don't be paranoiac.
I try to be as honest about what I see and to speak rather than be silent, especially if it means I can save lives, or serve humanity.
 Sandra Cisneros
I think the healthy way to live is to make friends with the beast inside oneself, and that means not the beast but the shadow. The dark side of one's nature. Have fun with it and you know, is to accept everything about ourselves.
Do you really think a man must be strong, masculine, dominating, and the woman frail, obedient and sensitive? This is a conventional idea. Reality is quite different.
 Michelangelo Antonioni
So he's above the law because he's a celebrity or something. Just because you're Russell Crowe doesn't mean you can do whatever you like.
 Becky Freeman
History is a means of access to ourselves.
 Lynn Townsend White, Jr.
That's what I mean by radical truth. I mean accepting reality.
 Ray Dalio
Say good-bye to Dodd-Frank and all of the financial reforms and efforts to try to rein in Wall Street. Just say good-bye to it. That means we can go where Wall Street gets to call the shots again. We saw how that worked out in 2008.
 Elizabeth Warren
Surviving a tough situation means staying in the fight and maintaining a warrior's mindset.
 Joe Teti
The woman who creates and sustains a home, and under whose hands children grow up to be strong and pure men and women, is a creator second only to God.
The woman who creates and sustains a home, and under whose hands children grow up to be strong and pure men and women, is a creator second only to God.
 Helen Hunt Jackson
The fact that tradition hinders the individual savage from thinking logically by no means proves that he cannot think logically.
 James Mark Baldwin