Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 50

Religious liberty might be supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it.
Religious liberty might be supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it.
Whether our task is fighting poverty, stemming the spread of disease or saving innocent lives from mass murder, we have seen that we cannot succeed without the leadership of the strong and the engagement of all.
A movement is only composed of people moving. To feel its warmth and motion around us is the end as well as the means.
None is poor but the mean in mind, the timorous, the weak, and unbelieving; none is wealthy but the affluent in soul, who is satisfied and floweth over.
 Martin Farquhar Tupper
Democracy may mean something more than a theoretically absolute popular government, but it assuredly cannot mean anything less.
 Herbert Croly
My wife, my family, my friends - they've all taught me things about love and what that emotion really means. In a nutshell, loving someone is about giving, not receiving.
The deeper the experience of an absence of meaning - in other words, of absurdity - the more energetically meaning is sought.
 Vaclav Havel
Instead of fretting about getting everything done, why not simply accept that being alive means having things to do? Then drop into full engagement with whatever you're doing, and let the worry go.
 Martha Beck
And I have one of those very loud, stupid laughs. I mean if I ever sat behind myself in a movie or something, I'd probably lean over and tell myself to please shut up.
 J. D. Salinger
We accept the responsibility to preach the gospel to every person on earth.  And if the question is asked, you mean you are out to convert the entire world?  The answer is, \'yes\'.  We will try to reach every living soul.
We accept the responsibility to preach the gospel to every person on earth. And if the question is asked, you mean you are out to convert the entire world? The answer is, 'yes'. We will try to reach every living soul.
 Boyd K. Packer
Does loving someone mean you want them to be safe? Or that you want them to be able to choose?
 Ally Condie
Journalists are accused of being lapdogs when they don't ask the hard questions, but then accused of being rude when they do. Good thing we have tough hides.
 Gwen Ifill
Is the mean temperature of the ground in any way influenced by the presence of heat-absorbing gases in the atmosphere?
 Svante Arrhenius
Her frocks are built in Paris, but she wears them with a strong English accent.
 Hector Hugh Munro
Why wouldn't I be able to look at you? You're not my woman and I don't even have feelings for you. You really mean nothing to me now.
 Jung Woo
When we find inspiration, we need to take action for ourselves and for our communities. Even if it means making a hard choice, or cutting out something and leaving it in your past.
 Aron Ralston
Yet [Dalai Lama] has said very strongly that basic freedoms of thought and speech have to be respected in Tibet and they're not at the moment. Tolerance doesn't mean accepting what's unfair.
 Pico Iyer
I've never won an award for anything, and I think it's weird. I mean, that's really cool but it's strange to think you could get an award for acting. I always thought that was strange.
 Bobby Cannavale
When the going gets tough, the tough make cookies.
When the going gets tough, the tough make cookies.
No success or achievement in material terms is worthwhile unless it serves the needs or interests of the country and its people and is achieved by fair and honest means.
 J. R. D. Tata