Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 43

If we see someone in a wheelchair, we assume they cannot walk. It may be that they can walk three, four, five steps. That, to them, means they can walk.
If we see someone in a wheelchair, we assume they cannot walk. It may be that they can walk three, four, five steps. That, to them, means they can walk.
 Evelyn Glennie
You about to play an opponent who is either bigger, stronger, faster or more experienced than you. Is there any hope at all? Absolutely, because one factor is in your favor: You are the Underdog!
 Micah Miller
My mother went to demonstrations. I remember her going to a big demonstration for Earl Brower and she came home crying and said the Communists were very mean and booed their people. I remember feeling sad at her feeling sad.
 Grace Paley
Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you are a mistake.
 Georgette Mosbacher
Judy Miller is the most innocent person in this case. I really thought that was outrageous that she was jailed and we needed as journalists to draw a line in the sand in a strong but thoughtful way.
 Tom Brokaw
Climate change is such a huge issue that it requires strong, concerted, consistent and enduring action by governments.
 Peter Garrett
The remedy [for the Great Depression] is to give the workers access to the means of production, and let them produce for themselves, not for others, . . . the American way.
 Upton Sinclair
He who does a good deed is instantly ennobled. He who does a mean deed is by the action itself contracted.
Some said he couldn't take on the insurance companies that were ripping us off. But President Obama made the tough and right call to save lives, save Medicare and ensure no one goes broke just because they get sick.
 Harry Reid
If you were a pure bolt of fire-cutting the skies I\'d touch you-risking my life-not because I\'m brave or strong, but because I\'m fascinated by what the outcome would be.
If you were a pure bolt of fire-cutting the skies I'd touch you-risking my life-not because I'm brave or strong, but because I'm fascinated by what the outcome would be.
 Nikki Giovanni
I mean, look at us. We're all alone in my bedroom and I'm not feeling any urge to make any kinda move on you. That's a pretty big problem.
 Aya Nakahara
The constant need to move on, and to document progress, in normal schools means that education tends to be cut up into bite sized task.
 Guy Claxton
I'm always nervous. If I wasn't nervous, it would be weird. I get the same feeling at all the big races. It's part of the routine, and I accept it. It means I'm there and I'm ready.
 Allyson Felix
Even if the absence of government really did mean anarchy in a negative, disorderly sense - which is far from being the case - even then, no anarchical disorder could be worse than the position to which government has led humanity.
Next to occupation is the building up of good taste. That is difficult, slow work. Few achieve it. It means all the difference in the world in the end.
 Sherwood Anderson
The characteristic feature of a free society is that it can function in spite of the fact that its members disagree in many judgments of value. Freedom really means the freedom to make mistakes.
As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.
As it's your 40th birthday This, we'd like to say May you be bathed in goodness, happiness and sunshineness On this, your special day.
 John Walter Bratton
Letting go of the past means that you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now.
Letting go of the past means that you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now.
A direct statement about yourself is considered objective only if it is negative. If it's positive, it is considered subjective. And 'objective' means it is accurate, and 'subjective' means it is conceited self-delusion.
 Barbara Sher