Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 37

When I grew up, it was a time when women were just supposed to be cute and not have many opinions. My mother and her friends were quite different. They were all the most beautiful women you\'ve ever seen ... and they were very strong women.
When I grew up, it was a time when women were just supposed to be cute and not have many opinions. My mother and her friends were quite different. They were all the most beautiful women you've ever seen ... and they were very strong women.
May you have a strong foundation when the winds of change shift...and may you be forever young.
Acceptance means that you know, regardless of what happened, that there is something bigger than you at work. It also means you know that you are okay and that you will continue to be okay.
The IRA has abandoned its armed struggle in pursuit of its goals by political means. This must be fully acknowledged. Continued challenge does nothing but obstruct and inhibit the peace process.
 James T. Walsh
I would do anything for a part, nearly anything. Being in movies doesn't mean being pretty.
 Diane Kruger
When black women are down with you and in your corner, you have an ally that will move Heaven and Earth.
 Tyler Perry
You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.
 Brigham Young
I mean, in some cases with libel laws, you know, they can write things about people who have no course of action, because they can't afford to take legal action against them.
 Elton John
One of the things that has always motivated me to write is the desire to get it out and look at it in an objective way, so that it doesn't cause me any serious pain by staying inside.
 Carly Simon
To lay hold of the mean without taking into account the occasion is like grasping one thing only.
To lay hold of the mean without taking into account the occasion is like grasping one thing only.
Words have great cumulative power, but in the 21st century, a single image is much stronger. An image suggests the unvarnished truth. That is its power and its fiction.
 Alexandra Kerry
Even if you have money, access to MoCap technology, and strong choreographic and computer-animation abilities, don't try to make a film like this if you don't have a lot of patience, perseverance and a deep affinity for risk-taking.
 Martine Epoque
“You should reach the limits of virtue before you cross the border of death.”
I've learned that every single trial offers us a chance to either turn away from what we know to be true, or to stand strong in who we are...
Slowly, but surely, we are moving in the right direction. We're on the right track. The economy is getting stronger
I've never had an abortion. And I don't know if I would. But, it doesn't mean that I wouldn't fight to the death for women to make their own choices for their own human bodies.
 Sarah Silverman
The smile of a politician is strong and friendly, but noncommittal.
I believe in God, which means I am open to some absurd possibilities. But I understand the power of that faith, and I understand the metaphor of that belief.
 Reza Aslan
A slave in the fields one night He\'s running along Gets far enough to be a free man And he\'s feeling so strong
A slave in the fields one night He's running along Gets far enough to be a free man And he's feeling so strong
 John Frusciante
Awareness means you come with an inner light, you move fully alert. Each step is taken in awareness - the walking, the coming, the sitting - everything is done in full awareness.