Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 23

After a certain age, you felt a need not to be alone. It grew stronger, like a radio frequency, until finally it was so powerful that you were forced to do something about it.
After a certain age, you felt a need not to be alone. It grew stronger, like a radio frequency, until finally it was so powerful that you were forced to do something about it.
 Meg Wolitzer
Jason scratched his head. "You named him Festus? You know that in Latin, ‘festus’ means ‘happy’? You want us to ride off to save the world on Happy the Dragon?
If turning from your sins means to stop sinning, then people can only be saved if they stop sinning. And it is unlikely that anyone has ever been saved, since we don't know anyone who has ever stopped sinning.
 Curtis Hutson
It is an accepted commonplace in psychology that the spiritual level of people acting as a crowd is far lower than the mean of each individual's intelligence or morality.
 Christian Lous Lange
I think my work comes out of both an intense desire for connection and what it means to feel isolated. There's always going to be a kind of tidal movement back and forth between the two.
 Adrienne Rich
To love someone means to see him as God intended him.
Power call achieve more by gentle means than by violence.
 Claudius Claudianus
It seems totally unfair that the way we look matters so much. I mean, why can't we just get over this gotta-be-thin-and-beautiful thing? Why can't we just accept ourselves and others for what we are?
 Melody Carlson
As long as I've got the love of the fans, that means everything to me.
 Ricky Hatton
I\'m very happy that John Tory won. We need a mayor of Toronto that will work with the municipalities of the Greater Toronto Area. We are the economic engine of Canada and we\'re not operating on all cylinders by any means.
I'm very happy that John Tory won. We need a mayor of Toronto that will work with the municipalities of the Greater Toronto Area. We are the economic engine of Canada and we're not operating on all cylinders by any means.
 Hazel McCallion
I remember specifically my mother telling me growing up don't put my business in the street. I was like seven, and I am like, 'What does that mean.
 Karrine Steffans
I mean, there's no point in sittin' around and cryin' about spilt milk. Gotta move on.
 Ted Turner
Each nation has a main current in life; in India it is religion. Make it strong and the waters on either side must move along with it.
There is something magical about that green coat. I mean that sincerely. It's a very special week, and being able to wear that green jacket. It's made my whole career. It's special.
 Fuzzy Zoeller
Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare their achievements with those of other people.
 Nido R Qubein
Death and genitals are things that frighten people, and when people are frightened, they develop means of concealment and aggression. It is common sense.
To take charge of destiny means to play a very convoluted chess game on multiple levels of consciousness and existence.
People might want to think, "We don't need it," but you know, we can't stop it. It's a movement, which means that it's moving, whether you like it or not, it's going to move.
 Iman Abdulmajid
The daughter never ever gives up on the mother, just as the mother never gives up on the daughter. There is a tie there so strong that nothing can break it.
The daughter never ever gives up on the mother, just as the mother never gives up on the daughter. There is a tie there so strong that nothing can break it.
 Rachel Billington
Literature expresses itself by abstractions, whereas painting, by means of drawing and colour, gives concrete shape to sensations and perceptions.
 Paul Cezanne