Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 22

The office of the leisure class in social evolution is to retard the movement and to conserve what is obsolescent. This proposition is by no means novel; it has long been one of the commonplaces of popular opinion.
The office of the leisure class in social evolution is to retard the movement and to conserve what is obsolescent. This proposition is by no means novel; it has long been one of the commonplaces of popular opinion.
 Thorstein Veblen
Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?
 Patrick Henry
Acceptance does not mean inaction; acceptance is actually acknowledging the present situation.
 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Be strong, get beyond all superstitions, and be free.
You must have an iron will, if you would cross the ocean. You must be strong enough to pierce mountains.
The world will not be inherited by the strongest, it will be inherited by those most able to change.
Everything that happens to a child of God, His father filtered and He intends to use it for the good and even when Satan and others mean it for bad because God is sovereignly in control.
Also, an area that interests me - and it will probably take years to state what I mean - is the period of the rise of democracy, with Tom Paine, which is around the turn of the 18th century into the 19th.
 Fiona Shaw
I think it is important to be a friend to your kids. But it is also equally important to set boundaries. My mother was a strong influence and so was my dad. My mom was my friend whom I couldn't cross.
 Karisma Kapoor
I am one of a rare breed of true politicians who definitely say what they may or may not mean with absolute certainty.
I am one of a rare breed of true politicians who definitely say what they may or may not mean with absolute certainty.
 Anthony Eden
Productivity is the deliberate, strategic investment of your time, talent, intelligence, energy, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move you measurably closer to meaningful goals.
 Dan S Kennedy
Loud wind, strong wind, sweeping o'er the mountains, Fresh wind, free wind, blowing from the sea, Pour forth thy vials like streams from airy mountains, Draughts of life to me.
 Dinah Maria Murlock Craik
Having totality means being capable of following "what is," because "what is" is constantly moving and constantly changing. If one is anchored to a particular view, one will not be able to follow the swift movement of "what is.
What's amazing is, if young people understood how doing well in school makes the rest of their life so much interesting, they would be more motivated. It's so far away in time that they can't appreciate what it means for their whole life.
A friendship counting nearly forty years is the finest kind of shade-tree I know.
 James Russell Lowell
My mom was a professional fitness competitor, so I go into the gym with her. I train with my dad and mother. It's embarrassing, because she's really strong.
 Booboo Stewart
For God so loved the world, that whosoever believes in him will, from that point on, be considered weired by the rest of the world, which means the church should be more like a zoo than a tomb of identical mummies.
 Mike Yaconelli
The Physical Symbol System Hypothesis. A physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means for general intelligent action.
 Allen Newell
Percy," my father said, "what exactly do you mean?" "Kronos couldn't have risen if it hadn't been for a lot of demigods who felt abandoned by their parents," I said. "They felt angry, resentful, and unloved, and they had a good reason.
There is a side of friendship that develops better and stronger by correspondence than contact.... The absence of the flesh in writing perhaps brings souls nearer.
 Emily Carr