Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 18

Being alone is best. I mean, it\'s true, isn\'t it? In the end you\'ll be absolutely alone; therefore, being alone is natural. If you accept that, nothing bad can happen. That\'s why I shut myself away in my six-mat one-room apartment.
Being alone is best. I mean, it's true, isn't it? In the end you'll be absolutely alone; therefore, being alone is natural. If you accept that, nothing bad can happen. That's why I shut myself away in my six-mat one-room apartment.
 Tatsuhiko Takimoto
Don't get stuck on the level of words. A word is no more than a means to an end. It's an abstraction. Not unlike a signpost, it points beyond itself
Don't freak yourself out by what other people have. They don't have what you've got.
Labels don't mean anything to me. I'm trying to play as passionately as I'm able to. If they want to call that cool, that's fine. Just spell the name right, is the formula.
 Lee Konitz
Trusting God means thinking and acting according to God's word in spite of circumstances, feelings, or consequences.
 Warren W. Wiersbe
My mother-in-law was so mean she blinded herself just to get a free dog.
 Gary Delaney
Obviously with the Internet and increased access to other means of watching shows, the audience has dispersed and is all over the place and that is a challenge.
 J. J. Abrams
No boy is worth your teenage years!." "For me to be in love with someone means that I have to accept who I am, and not allow another person to define me. And if someone loves me in spite of all that, then that's a start.
 Hayley Williams
Do you think there is any other means of achieving progress except through Rajas?
I don\'t belive Oprah\'s sexual abuse stories, I mean who would take a black girl when there are plenty of white?
I don't belive Oprah's sexual abuse stories, I mean who would take a black girl when there are plenty of white?
 Zach Braff
If I just produce the transparent ideal accepted by the Western experts, a process of privatization which will be very good but never happen, that means nothing.
 Anatoly Chubais
If life is envisioned as a continuously running motion picture, the keeping of a notebook stops the action and allows a meaningful scene to be explored frame by frame.
 Jo Coudert
I don't care very much for miniatures. I don't try to beat my opponents quickly because if they are strong, I think I should respect them. It is too risky to play sharply to beat them in 20 moves.
 Bent Larsen
Nothing seemed to me more appropriate than to project an image of our time with absolute fidelity to nature by means of photography.
 August Sander
The heart is naturally hard, and grows harder by custom in sin, especially by long abuse of mercy, neglect of the means of grace, and resisteing the spirit of grace.
 Richard Baxter
Making people laugh is a really fabulous thing because it means you're getting deep inside somebody, into their psyche, and their ability to look at themselves.
 Jane Lynch
Positions and titles mean absolutely nothing. They're just adornments; they don't represent the substance of anybody. Every person and every job is worth as much as any other person and any other job.
 Herb Kelleher
Today most funding for science comes through government. That means that you have to be known to be sympathetic to conclusions that are acceptable to the political classes.
 Doug Casey
A people who mean to be free must be prepared to meet danger in person, and not rely upon the fallacious protection of armies
A people who mean to be free must be prepared to meet danger in person, and not rely upon the fallacious protection of armies
 Edmund Randolph
None but the weak crave to be better than. Strong men are satisfied with their own strength.
 Lillian Smith