Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 165

Meanwhile, the empty forms of social behavior survive inappropriately in business situations. We all know that when a business sends its customers \'friendly reminders,\' it really means business.
Meanwhile, the empty forms of social behavior survive inappropriately in business situations. We all know that when a business sends its customers 'friendly reminders,' it really means business.
 Judith Martin
For a long time I was embarrassed to say I was a 'B' movie actor, ... But now that I see what Hollywood's putting out, I realized 'B' actually means 'better.'
 Bruce Campbell
“Warriors don’t raise to the level of expectations, they fall to the level of their training.”
I'm a mother! So I am more conscious of what I wear. Because when I was younger I would wear just about anything - and I would always show my belly. I mean, I still do that now when I perform, but it's just done more in a tasteful manner.
 Britney Spears
When you're having trouble and topping the ball, it means the ground is moving on you.
 Chi Chi Rodriguez
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
There is a strong religious commitment to the sanctity of human life, but, paradoxically, some of the most fervent protectors of microscopic stem cells are the most ardent proponents of the death penalty.
When you look fear in the face, you are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'
I warm naturally to the drummer whose ideas and approach are strong, even if he doesn't quite have the ability to carry them out.
 Bill Bruford
Thirdly, the explorationists are willing to only move equipment during the winter, which means they\'ll be on ice roads, and remove the equipment as the ice begins to melt, so that the fragile tundra is protected.
Thirdly, the explorationists are willing to only move equipment during the winter, which means they'll be on ice roads, and remove the equipment as the ice begins to melt, so that the fragile tundra is protected.
People want to buy mp3s but can't? Piracy ensues. Then Apple strong-arms the music studios into the iTunes store and music piracy drops somewhat. The same, I believe, is also happening with ebooks.
 Charles Stross
I'd be happy to have my biography be the stories of my dogs. To me, to live without dogs would mean accepting a form of blindness.
 Thomas McGuane
We sat down and read it for the first time and I thanked God under my breath, because they were all so good. And my leading ladies are both exceptional. I mean, everybody in the play. I could just go on all night about them.
 Gavin MacLeod
I mean, if you go back to 1960 on major pieces of legislation, the filibuster was used about eight percent of the time.
 Tom Udall
If you want to call a man to account, don't do it when he is weak; call him to account when he is strong! Cowards choose the first way and the valiant choose the second way.
You are truly successful when you can extend a strong hand to someone who is reaching out or just trying to hang on.
What we call 'evil' doesn't necessarily deserve any kind of respect or understanding, by any means; it just deserves an acknowledgement of its complexity so we can better understand it &#Array; so we can help prevent it.
 Bryan Singer
Liberal comes from the Latin liberalis, which means pertaining to a free man. In politics, to be liberal is to want to extend democracy through change and reform. One can see why that word had to be erased from our political lexicon.
Evil…doesn’t mean doing things that have bad consequences for people. It means private thoughts and actions that are not to the Christian majority’s private liking.
Evil…doesn’t mean doing things that have bad consequences for people. It means private thoughts and actions that are not to the Christian majority’s private liking.
Suspicion is the companion of mean souls, and the bane of all good society.