Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 161

It is not a matter of being fearless. The fear is sometimes constant, but it\'s about moving forward regardless of the fear. Courage means feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
It is not a matter of being fearless. The fear is sometimes constant, but it's about moving forward regardless of the fear. Courage means feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
 Gillian Anderson
Sister Carlotta, I'm on a leave of absence right now. That means I've been sacked, in case you don't understand how the I.F. handles these things. "Sacked! A miscarriage of justice. You ought to be shot.
 Orson Scott Card
The Law is supposed to keep us safe and strong and able to birth healthy children, yet the Law wants us to tear each other apart to find a leader. The Law's a bunch of hypocrisy.
 Annette Curtis Klause
Build today, then strong and sure, With a firm and ample base; And ascending and secure. Shall tomorrow find its place.
Avoid fried foods, which angry up the blood.
 Satchel Paige
All money means to me is a pride in accomplishment.
 Ray Kroc
My mum had a very strong moral code, which I kind of came with. I never really had to be told what was right or wrong - I knew. I was very mature from early on and I was a very good girl, so she never had any trouble with me.
 Gloria Estefan
Random, meaningless groups can adopt an us-versus-them mentality.
 Alexandra Robbins
Just because you become a mother, it doesn't mean you lose who you are.
 Beyonce Knowles
A quiet mind does not mean that there will be no thoughts or mental movements at all, but that these will be on the surface, and you will feel your true being within, separate from them, observing but not carried away
A quiet mind does not mean that there will be no thoughts or mental movements at all, but that these will be on the surface, and you will feel your true being within, separate from them, observing but not carried away
 Sri Aurobindo
“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man, but soon or late the one who wins is the one who thinks he can!”
 Walter D. Wintle
My mother was a single mom, and most of the women I know are strong.
 Regina King
I believe in the strength and intelligence and sensitivity of women. My mother, my sisters [they] are strong. My mum is a strong woman and I love her for it.
 Tom Hiddleston
Integrity is fundamental to being men. Integrity means being truthful, but it also means accepting responsibility and honoring commitments and covenants.
 D. Todd Christofferson
Socialism has never and nowhere been at first a working-class movement. It is by no means an obvious remedy for the obvious evil which the interests of that class will necessarily demand. It is a construction of theorists.
You are almost not free, if you are teaching a group of graduate students, to become friends with one of them. I don't mean anything erotically charged, just a friendship.
 Marilyn Hacker
Accept life, take it as it is? Stupid. The means of doing otherwise? Far from our having to take it, it is life that possesses us and on occasion shuts our mouths.
He is not sweet or gentle or particularly kind. But he is smart and brave, and even though he saved me, he treated me like I was strong. That is all I need to know.
When I look round to see how we can win the war, I see that there is only one sure path . . . and that is absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland.
When I look round to see how we can win the war, I see that there is only one sure path . . . and that is absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland.
The word theatre comes from the Greeks. It means the seeing place. It is the place people come to see the truth about life and the social situation.
 Stella Adler